Welcome to cadillacnews.com, a site we created for you and the community.
Local news has been the heart and soul of our organization since we first started publishing newspapers in 1872. And for years, we have worked diligently to bring the readers of Wexford, Osceola, Missaukee, and eastern Lake Counties the finest in local news and information. We are continually improving our website to provide more news and information to all of our readers who have access to the World Wide Web. This is an exciting venture for us where we plan to share news and events from our regular print publication and use the power of the Internet to interact with the community.
You’ll find we’ve added hundreds of pages of great content to our website. This web site has our name on it, and we’ll keep it up to date, but we want you to think of it as yours too. Use it, enjoy it, and let us know how we can make it better. We are always eager to hear from you, so feel free to send us Email or call us. Our number is (231) 775-6565, and our mailing/physical address is 130 N. Mitchell Street, PO Box 640, Cadillac MI 49601.
Chris Huckle